Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Kibeho

Always and everywhere, the popular piety of the Catholic Church has been interested in supernatural phenomena often referred to as “private” revelations, in order to distinguish them from the positive and definitive revelation given to us by Jesus Christ. These “private” revelations especially concern the Marian piety and it's “messages”, even though they might go beyond the scope
In some cases, certain “apparitions” are approved by the Church authorities, as for example in Lourdes (France), Fatima (Portugal) or Banneaux (Belgium). Despite their approval, however, they are not considered part of the treasury of faith; no Christian is forced to believe in them, but everyone is to show respect to those who believe.
This situation equally applies to the apparitions of Kibeho in Rwanda, approved by the Church since June 29th, 2001. Keeping this in mind, we would like to present a brief overview of the procedure leading to the approval of the apparitions of Kibeho in this chapter. Thereafter, we shall present the elements of the message of Kibeho and finally introduce the three visionaries officially recognised by the Church.